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Story at the Center

A powerful story uniquely positions your business with meaning. Story at the Center spotlights new ideas and strategy in service of B2B storytelling.

The Atomic Structure of Story

The Atomic Structure of Story

A central narrative resonates across all levels of audience interaction, ensuring consistency and credibility. When leaders see how we structure Story at the Center, they understand why this clarity is so important.

  • Labs
  • AI
  • Omnicell
  • Labs
  • AI
  • Omnicell
  • Labs
  • AI
  • Omnicell
Oct 12

Virtual Production Enables Agile Storytelling

Experience strategy is one of the six core offerings of Discovery as a Service, 1P's proprietary method for solving complex business problems. So let's say that holding a live event—building off of your company's Unified Narrative Framework—is part of your experien...

Virtual Production Enables Agile Storytelling
  • Labs
  • AI
  • Omnicell
Sep 18
  • Labs
  • AI
  • Omnicell