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Is Your Business Story Working? Find Out With Your Free Evaluation

Let‘s face it: branding alone won‘t cut it anymore. Sharpen your competitive edge by putting Story at the Center of your business strategy.

The Company Story Evaluation is a no-touch self-assessment that helps leaders like you, identify gaps that might be standing in the way of using story as a strategic tool for growth.

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The company story is the company strategy.

Ben Horowitz
partner & co-founder
Andreessen Horowitz

The Business Story Formula

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Element One: Vision Clarity

A clear vision sets a purpose and distinguishes your business. Without it, customers and employees struggle to see your relevance. Defining and articulating your vision is the first step in building strategy and stories that beat out the competition.

Discover ways to better define and align on your strategic vision.

Element Two: Story Clarity

Business storytelling has a profound impact. A unified story gives you an edge, outmaneuvers rivals, fuels growth, and strengthens brands. Stories drive emotional perception and translate to enhanced market value.

Uncover ways to clarify and strengthen your story.

Element Three: Vision Confidence

Confidence in a shared vision aligns behaviors and decision-making, fostering direction and creating momentum. Without confidence, disengagement and confusion can hinder success. Belief in and adoption of a clear vision is crucial for organizational success.

Find out ways to boost confidence in your vision strategy.

Element Four: Stakeholder Alignment

Stakeholder alignment is the catalyst that propels organizations forward by fostering focus, collaboration, and trust. When leadership aligns and embodies the vision, it inspires engagement and drives business growth.

Get tips on how to gain more alignment within your organization.

Our Services

As part consultancy, part agency—our blended services help leaders untangle complexity, unite around the right strategies and stories, and deliver brilliant storytelling content and experiences.

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Elevate Your Business Through Story

This evaluation is designed to uncover the gaps in your company story—and provide tips on how to bridge them.

15 minutes