Drew was born in Tokyo, Japan as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby before moving back to the states and growing up in Gloucester, Massachusetts, just north of Boston.
Originally a musician, Drew decided he would skip college and join the army. After realizing this wasn’t the correct direction for his life, he decided to attend college after all.
Drew loves movies that evoke a mood and has always been fascinated by the process of making ideas into something more powerful, so he decided to study Comparative Literature and Filmmaking. After studying abroad in Paris, San Francisco made its way onto Drew’s radar due to his best friend residing there. Conveniently, it was also not too far from the epicenter of the film industry, LA.
San Francisco was a perfect hotbed for Drew’s amazing talents in putting teams together, bringing out the best in people, and posing creative solutions to complex challenges. Drew’s passion and dedication was evident in his growth from an intern at SFPG to the founder of Elastic Creative.
As the CEO of First Person, Drew brings technical prowess and a dedication to the notion that the power of ideas can change the world. In his personal life, Drew finds solace in cooking, playing soccer, and spending quality time with his three beautiful children and amazing wife.